Healthy, budget and delicious alternatives to King Charles’ Coronation Quiche!

As you may know, King Charles will be crowned in just a few days and In recognition of his coronation the new king and his wife Queen Consort Camilla released a Coronation Quiche meal The King’s official coronation quiche recipe.

As you may know, King Charles will be crowned in just a few days. And in recognition of his coronation, the new king and his wife Queen Consort Camilla have released a Coronation Quiche meal The King’s official coronation quiche recipe.

The pastry treat has been personally chosen to accompany coronation chicken and platinum pudding for the coronation parties and events across the world.

If you are embarking on a healthy eating plan but don’t want to miss out, then the good news is we have a heap of healthy, budget and delicious quiche alternatives on our Healthy Mummy app…

What is the Coronation quiche?


The Coronation Quiche dish, which features spinach, broad beans and tarragon, is a nod to the Coronation Chicken which was invented for the 1953 queen’s coronation of King Charles’ mother, the late Queen Elizabeth II.

This meal in particular was a curry and mayonnaise-based recipe.

To prepare for the celebrations of the coronation and want to get into the royal spirit, then perhaps you could try a more family friendly version of the Coronation Quiche.

Our The Healthy Mummy quiche alternatives are delicious, budget friendly, super easy to make at home as part of your own celebrations!

Yes, you CAN celebrate the coronation in a healthy way that’s fit for a king and queen with these simple family friendly versions of a delicious quiche from The Healthy Mummy app.

Check out these delish family favourites and some fancy healthy quiches that are all around $2 per serve!

Healthy Quiche recipes that are around $2 per serve!

Check out these delish family favourites and some fancy schmancy healthy quiches that are all around $2 per serve!

Healthy Taco Quiche Boats

A savoury snack perfect for lunchboxes. These Quiche Taco Boats can be enjoyed hot or cold. You can use what you have on hand, add some ham, bacon or feta cheese.

$1.50 per serve – 256 calories per serve – 15 mins prep

You can find the recipe for this here.

Green Eggs & Ham Quiche

Finally! Green eggs and ham can be made into a recipe from a popular children’s book idea. Packed full of veggies, this is a great and colourful quiche recipe.

$1.59 per serve – 229 calories – 10mins prep

You can find the recipe for this here.

What is the King Charles’ official coronation quiche?

Pumpkin, shallot, feta and spinach quiche

Buckingham Palace released a quiche recipe to mark King Charles III’s coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey on May 6.

Best of all, it can be served hot or cold and can be served with different side dishes.

The royal family’s website described the dish as…

“a deep quiche with a crisp, light pastry case and delicate flavours of spinach, broad beans and fresh tarragon. Eat hot or cold with a green salad and boiled new potatoes – perfect for a Coronation Big Lunch!”

How many calories are in a normal quiche?

When made with a flaky crust, which tends to be high fat, plus with lots of cream and cheese added in, quiches can have as much as 400 to 700 calories as well as 25 to 50 grams of fat.

How can I make my quiche healthier?

While quiches aren’t traditionally thought of as a ‘healthy’ option, you can make your quiche healthier than the recipe intended, if you are following a healthy eating plan on our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

To do this, you could try using whole eggs, adding more vegetables to make it packed full of more nutrients and vitamins, as well as using a healthier milk and less cheese.

Adding more vegetables is a fantastic way to use up whatever you have lying around in the fridge. You could easily add other ingredients like lean bacon or even leftover poached chicken.

To keep the calorie count down, you could eliminate the pastry, but if you wanted to make these for a special event or similar, ready-rolled puff or shortcrust would work well.

Why did King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla release a quiche recipe?

Quiches stem from France and are often described as a tart consisting savoury custard that includes pieces of cheese, meat and vegetables inside a pastry filled crust filled.

Despite people considering quiche a French dish, they have been part of English cuisine since the 14th Century, and they’re considered a staple at any party or event in the United Kingdom as well as across the world.

It seems very fitting that the new monarch and his wife decided to release their signature dish ahead of the big day.

Some of the most popular types of quiches in the U.K. are vegetable quiches, bacon and other ingredients. You may have heard of the phrase Quiche Lorraine. This is a quiche made with eggs, heavy cream, bacon, and Swiss cheese.

The official coronation quiche recipe

This official recipe was released from the royal family ahead of the big day.  Traditionally, there has always been a recipe released ahead of such an important event, like the 1953 coronation of her late majesty.

Here’s how to make the quiche that was personally chosen by the king…

The recipe

Serves: Six.

Equipment: 1 x 20cm flan tin

125g plain flour
Pinch of salt
25g cold butter, diced
25g lard
2 tablespoons milk
Or 1 x 250g block of readymade shortcrust pastry

125ml milk
175ml double cream
2 medium eggs
1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon
Salt and pepper
100g grated cheddar cheese
180g cooked spinach, lightly chopped
60g cooked broad beans or soya beans

1. To make the pastry: sieve the flour and salt into a bowl; add the fats and rub the mixture together using your finger tips until you get a sandy, breadcrumb-like texture. Add the milk a little at a time and bring the ingredients together into a dough.
Cover and allow to rest in the fridge for 30-45 minutes.
2. Lightly flour the work surface and roll out the pastry to a circle a little larger than the top of the tin and approximately 5mm thick.
3. Line the tin with the pastry, taking care not to have any holes or the mixture could leak. Cover and rest for a further 30 minutes in the fridge.
4. Preheat the oven to 190C.
5. Line the pastry case with greaseproof paper, add baking beans and bake blind for 15 minutes, before removing the greaseproof paper and baking beans.
6. Reduce the oven temperature to 160C.
7. Beat together the milk, cream, eggs, herbs and seasoning.
8. Scatter half of the grated cheese in the blind-baked base, top with the chopped spinach and beans and herbs, then pour over the liquid mixture.
9. If required gently give the mixture a delicate stir to ensure the filling is evenly dispersed but be careful not to damage the pastry case.
10. Sprinkle over the remaining cheese. Place into the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes until set and lightly golden.

The entire quiche is believed to be high in calories.

How to create a perfect crust for a quiche if you want crust?

One of the biggest problems avid cooks have with making a quiche is that the bottom might end up soggy.

To avoid this happening, you could always try pre-baking the quiche crust and making it firm before adding in the filling.

The tart filling is extremely moist and this is what can cause the crust to become soggy and if it’s soft it can ooze into the pastry. Be sure to blind baked before adding in the filling.

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