Mums share how not to let a bad week ruin the entire month

We all have good days and bad days! It’s just part of life and it’s the same on your weight loss journey.

However, when we go off track, so many of us feel like throwing in the towel, like we’ve ruined our chances of success because of one bad meal. YOU HAVEN’T.

Tomorrow is a new day and you can make better choices from then on.

Some of our amazing mums, who have lost weight by following the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, have shared how they’ve not let a bad day or week ruin the entire month…

Mums share how to get over a bad week and get back on track

Mel Timmer has lost 37kg

Mums share how not to let a bad week ruin the entire month

Melissa Timmer says she’s been really struggling with her routine as she works long hours and her work is changing locations.

“I’m tired so my body is craving anything and everything to get me through. I’ve definitely had some meals where I think, ‘stuff it, I’ll eat this then have a better meal tonight’,” she says.

“When I do have these days I don’t let it get me down I just try my best to reset my mind for the next meal and try my best to choose a better option.”

In fact, she says she has to remind herself why she shouldn’t be eating the bad stuff.

“I need to nourish and fuel my body with ingredients that will help me recover and give me more energy,” she says.

“I’m always so thankful when I make a better choice. I think when you get stuck in that merry-go-round you just have to push yourself a little harder to make better choices because you will never regret a good choice.”

Temptations will always be there. You have to find the willpower within you to be strong and get through it to get the results.

“I won’t let it get the better of me, I have things in place for the week ahead that will keep my mind busy,” she adds.

“I stock up on fruits and better options as this takes all the temptation out and I won’t have it in front of me which means I won’t eat it.

“Prepping will be my best friend while I’m trying to get some normality back.”

Laura Kukulovski has lost 33kg with The Healthy Mummy

Mums share how not to let a bad week ruin the entire month

Mum-of-three Laura has been following The Healthy Mummy for a year and has lost 33kg.

“Not long after I started my healthy mummy journey I got struck down with a really bad flu,” she says.

“I couldn’t exercise nor did I have the energy to cook so the next day led to the next and all of a sudden I’m straight back to bad habits.

“To get out of my funk and get back I track I just started with small steps like adding healthy meals back into my diet and slowly adding exercise back into my week.

“I knew I could do this! I just had to trust the process and enjoy my journey and within no time I lost 33kgs.”

Laura’s tips on starting over and hitting reset are:

  • Don’t feel guilty for falling off the wagon it happens to almost all of us.
  • Start out small when resetting.
  • Don’t pressure yourself to instantly adjust to the changes.
  • Give yourself small goals to achieve
  • Plan your week ahead to stop unhealthy choices.
  • Meal prep to stop snacking on packaged foods.

Ashana Spinelli has lost 23kg

Ashana has lost 23kgs in 5 months using The Healthy Mummy app and products and have been maintaining for 11 months.

“My husband and I both work in education which is great because it means we get the school holidays off to be with the kids, but just as we work hard, we like to play hard too,” she says.

“I am fine with this break from routine but always need to reset my healthy eating habits and exercise that my body needs. I allow myself that time, I enjoy it, but I always know in the back of my mind that it’s not going to become my daily norm.”

Tips on how to get back on track:

  • For me personally I know what I need to do. I have all the tools available and the persistence to back it up. I tell myself I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again and then I put those thoughts into action.
  • I tell myself that one bad week doesn’t mean I’m doomed, it means I’m human.
  • Don’t start Monday. Start today, start now!
  • Set yourself up for success- meal prep, plan your menu, don’t buy junk for the kids that might temp you, leave your exercise gear out the night before.

Hannah Pech has lost 30kg in 18 months

Mums share how not to let a bad week ruin the entire month

Hannah has lost 30kg weight loss in 18 months and has been maintaining for two years now.

“August and September are our ‘birthday months’ with 4/7 of us having our birthdays, which means lots of cake and extra takeaway,” she says.

“I try to focus on enjoying the events and remember birthdays only come once a year.”

Hannah’s top tips

  • Remember it’s one day! Or a small period of time in the big picture.
  • You can learn from every life experience. Positive or negative! It’s never a fail!
  • Keep expectations on the scales in line with what life throws at you.
  • Expecting to lose weight during the times of eating cake etc isn’t sustainable for me.
  • Maintain some routines if you can. For me it’s drinking water and keeping exercising.

“Focus on your why. Enjoying cake with your kids is okay! Enjoying it for week after week won’t make you feel good,” adds Hannah.

“Focusing on fuel instead of food is key got me. Punishment for food or choices is never good for your mental health.”

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